ASP.NET PDF Viewer using C#, VB/NET

member m.GetBaseAddress (i:int) : int -> 'a = NativePtr.get (m.AddressOf(i)) member m.Item with get(i : int) : 'a = m.GetBaseAddress 0 i member m.Close() = UnmapViewOfFile(start) |> ignore; CloseHandle(hMap) |> ignore interface IDisposable with member m.Dispose() = m.Close() The class exposes two properties, Item and Element. The former returns a function that allows access to data in the mapped file at a given offset using a function; the latter allows access to the mapped file at a given offset from the origin. The following example uses the MemMap class to read the first byte of a file: let mm = new MMap.MemMap<byte>("somefile.txt") printf "%A\n" (mm.[0]) mm.Close() Memory mapping provides good examples of how easy it can be to expose native functionalities into the .NET runtime and how F# can be effective in this task. It is also a good example of the right way to use PInvoke to avoid calling PInvoked functions directly and build wrappers that encapsulate them. Verifiable code is one of the greatest benefits provided by virtual machines, and PInvoke signatures often lead to nonverifiable code that requires high execution privileges and are under the risk of corrupting the whole memory of the runtime. A good approach to reduce the amount of potentially unsafe code is to define assemblies that are responsible for accessing native code with PInvoke and that expose functionalities in a .NET verifiable approach. In this way, the code that should be trusted by the user is smaller, and programs can have all the benefits provided by verified code.

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Figure 4-2. The test page after a postback This is what comes to mind for a lot of folks when state maintenance is mentioned. But for this control, you ve disabled ViewState (by setting EnableViewState=false). You can verify this on the trace report, where it s reported that the textbox has contributed zero bytes to ViewState. So how was the value maintained across postbacks An input of type text sends its value to the server whenever an HTML Form is submitted. This is, of course, the underlying architecture of a Web Form postback. The ASP .NET Framework will leverage this whenever it can in the service of state maintenance. Aside from input values, text area input, and select elements, not much more state information is naturally included in a post. You can easily modify the demo code to demonstrate this. In this code, you ll set a CSS attribute only on the first rendering of the page: void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.IsPostBack) {

run1, '9,999,999' ) || run2, '9,999,999' ) || diff, '9,999,999' ) || round( run1/run2*100,2 ), '999.99' ) || '%' data sum(b.value-a.value) run1, sum(c.value-b.value) run2, sum( (c.value-b.value)-(b.value-a.value)) diff run_stats a, run_stats b, run_stats c = = a.runid = 'before' b.runid = 'after 1' c.runid = 'after 2' like 'LATCH%'

Platform Invoke is a flexible and customizable interface, and it is expressive enough to define prototypes for most libraries available. There are, however, pathological situations where it can be difficult to map directly the native interface into the corresponding signature. A significant example is given by function pointers embedded into structures, which are typical C programming patterns that approximate object-oriented programming. Here the structure contains a number of pointers to functions that can be used as methods, having care to pass the pointer to the structure as the first argument to simulate the this parameter. Sleepycat s Berkeley Database (BDB) is a popular database library that adopts this programming pattern. The core structure describing an open database has the following structure:

) loop dbms_output.put_line( ); end loop; end; end; /

lblOutput.Text = "Postback"; } else { txtDemo.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSkyBlue; lblOutput.Text = "First Request"; } } So on the first rendering of the page, the back color of the TextBox is set to light blue (see Figure 4-3).

To demonstrate the information we can get out of runstats, we ll compare the performance of a query in the following two cases: Using the cost-based optimizer (CBO): The CBO is the engine that generates an execution plan for SQL statements in Oracle based on statistics gathered on our schema objects. It is the only optimizer that is supported starting with 10g.

You can rewrite this code using function composition as follows: let countLinks = getWords >> List.filter (fun s -> s = "href") >> List.length google |> countLinks Let s take a look at this more closely. We have defined countLinks as the composition of three function values using the >> forward composition operator. This operator is defined in the F# library as follows: let (>>) f g x = g(f(x)) You can see from the definition that f >> g gives a function value that first applies f to the x and then applies g. Here is the type of >>:

The following sections describe the steps required to instantiate and use the OracleConnection CacheImpl class.

Figure 4-3. First rendering of the page setting a CSS attribute programmatically On postbacks, the back color will not be set. The line of code setting the back color will not execute, and the TextBox will render with its default background color (see Figure 4-4).

val (>>) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'c)

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